Higher Powerlessness and the Illusion of Free-Will (Part 2)

“I have floundered in and out of pain and grief. I have disregarded my own ability to choose the life I want to lead, accepting the unexplainable desire to write with purpose. I’ve isolated myself from the things I used to love, in pursuit of my own goal…” Continue reading Higher Powerlessness and the Illusion of Free-Will (Part 2)

Powerlessness and the Illusion of Free-Will (Part 1)

Author: Adam Abramowitz Are we in control? What dictates the thoughts that enter our brains? Are these thoughts ours, or are they a response to the stimulation provided by reality? Can we prevent ourselves from gravitating towards the things we like, pursuing the things we want? It seems to me that everything I know, everything I’ve learned, has been shown to me by another. From an early age, my parents were a prime of example of how I learned and developed into the individual I am today. They gave me a baseline for my own likes and dislikes. They showed … Continue reading Powerlessness and the Illusion of Free-Will (Part 1)