Lucky Number Slevin

7 years sober today & that means it’s story time! Let’s see if I can’t get it in 3 sentences:

Every morning I’d wake up and shoot heroin.

One day, I was withdrawing so bad that I wanted to end my life.

I went to my roomate’s room, took out his rifle, and a thought popped into my head:

Shit. This is sentence 4…aw heck whatever it’s my day  😈

“If you do this, you won’t be able to see the new Star Wars movie.”

I put the rifle down and walked back to my room.

Under covers I started to dream, to imagine, what life would look like if I could wake up and not need anything to feel ok.

I went to a meeting and shared. I got a sponsor and called other alcoholics.

A year and a half later I sat in a movie theatre to see the Force Awakens. The next day, I flew to Israel.

Everything I’d dreamt of during the detox came true (and then some)

So I guess the point of this story isn’t to say that drugs are bad or sobriety is awesome…

Or to say that if you do what I did you can get it too (you’ll hear that at meetings)

But it’s really just to say keep dreaming. Don’t stop. And don’t give up.

Cause life feels better when there’s something to aim for.

& if you think you can’t, think you won’t, or don’t know how hit me up and I’ll help



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